We Support our Community
Batch Plant Service, LLC started to support the “Texas State Trooper Association” Don’t Drink and Drive program.
2013 – 2014
The “Deputy Sheriff’s Association of Bexar County” introduced the Shop with a Sheriff program. Their goal is to spend $200.oo per child and to assist 100 or more children who need assistance. Each child will be eligible to receive new shoes, several outfits of clothing and a backpack full of school supplies.
More under http://www.dsabc.org
We at Batch Plant Service, LLC support this program and increase the amount we donate with each event twice a year.
2014 – Give our kids a break
This info was aired in San Antonio on September 01.2014 from our local radio station 104.5 KZEP
2014 – Drink & Drive and you lose
Aired in San Antonio, TX in October 2014 from our local radio station 104.5 KZEP
2014 – It should never hurt to be a child